
Showing posts from November, 2019
  PRINT MEDIA   INTRODUCTION  • The earliest civilizations only had oral communications.  • If they had news to tell, they ran to the nearest person to spread the word to others, who each did the same until everyone had heard the news.  • Then people began to write down their news in picture form and then in crude languages where symbols stood for words and letters.  • It took the inventions of paper and the printing press for print media to come into regular use. Once it did, there was no turning back.  • Print media is the printed version of telling the news, primarily through newspapers and magazines.  • Before the invention and widespread use of printing presses, printed materials had to be written by hand.  • It was a painstaking process that made mass distribution impossible.  • In 1440, Johannes Gutenberg introduced his invention of a movable type printing press with type that was much easier to change, making the mass production of news pages possible.