The earliest civilizations only had oral communications. 
If they had news to tell, they ran to the nearest person to spread the word to others, who each did the same until everyone had heard the news. 
Then people began to write down their news in picture form and then in crude languages where symbols stood for words and letters. 
It took the inventions of paper and the printing press for print media to come into regular use. Once it did, there was no turning back. 
Print media is the printed version of telling the news, primarily through newspapers and magazines. 
Before the invention and widespread use of printing presses, printed materials had to be written by hand. 
It was a painstaking process that made mass distribution impossible. 
In 1440, Johannes Gutenberg introduced his invention of a movable type printing press with type that was much easier to change, making the mass production of news pages possible. 
The invention spread throughout Europe, and printing and distributing sheets of news became popular. 
Print media is one of the oldest means of disseminating information. 
It is a popular form of advertising that uses physically printed media like newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets, brochures etc. 
Print media has the ability to reach a wider section of people. 
It is produced by printing, a process which reproduces text and images on paper using ink in a printing press. 
In other words, it uses printing technology and methods to spread news, messages, information among the people.

Different forms of print media. 
Print media include those media of communication which are controlled by time.
It can be read at any available time and can be kept for record.
Following are the major print media of mass communication.
Book: It is most effective mass media. It is best source of education. It is best and cheapest means of storing and transmitting to others the records. It is best example of print mass media. By books people easily get information and knowledge.
Newspapers: It provides correct and authentic information in the form of news, articles and advertisement in a regular manner and presents them in an attractive way to grab reader’s attention. 
Magazines: Magazines are the predecessor of the daily newspaper. They provide detailed articles on various topics such as food, fashion, sports, finance, lifestyle, and so on. Magazines are published weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Many of them are sold all over the world. 
Newsletter: It is a publication that mostly covers one main topic. Sometimes, people have to subscribe for the newsletters, or many a time, they are even free.
Newsletters are generally used as information sources for neighbourhood, communities, and groups having an interest about that particular topic, or event. They are
also used for promotional purpose, political campaigns, or for causes. 
Brochure: Also known as pamphlets, brochures contain information about the business or organization. They are mostly distributed by hand or sent through mails. It is a fantastic way to showcase your product to the new customers. 
Leaflet: A small sheet of paper containing information, used for dissemination of said information, often an advertisement.

Main Advantages of print media: 
Flashy magazines are always popular among consumers and are often read by them for a particular period of time in a month. The monthly magazines are the best way to bring attention to any advertisements. 
Print media is an easy medium to spread awareness or advertise to any particular geographical area. Like, a local newspaper is the best way to spread news about any local event of the place. 
Some forms of the print media have a huge and trusted follower. This is definitely a great boost to attract readership. 
Print media allows you to choose your own space for advertisement, thus, you can manage your budget and expenses while planning for the advertisement.
Reader friendly form of media.
Main Disadvantages of print media:  
It is expensive. 
There are editing expenses. 
After you read printed media, you're left with material that you need to throw away. This waste continually accumulates in our landfills.
Difficult to Mark niche market. 
Updating is difficult and slow compared to visual media. 

Since the invention of movable type, printed media has been the primary way in which we receive and spread knowledge. We've built libraries to house books, subscribe to magazine delivered by mail and wrap fish in newspapers. However, the rise of the Internet highlights the disadvantages of the print medium of information.
Media will always be a part of our everyday lives, there really is no avoiding it. While certain forms like printed media may be slowly getting phased out, other forms of media such as social media are stepping up and filling the void left by the others. We constantly have an incredible amount of information at our fingertips, and that will not change.
That being said, we need to remember that all media is not good media. Media sources will always have their own opinions and whether we like it or not, that effects their reporting; it’s simply human nature. That leaves us as the consumers of media with the responsibility of sifting through all of the sources to find what is good reporting or bad reporting.

Print media and Journalism Abby Webster, Willford Press 2016.
Handbook of Print Media Helmunt Kipphan, Springer publication 2001.



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