
Showing posts from December, 2020

Recorded lesson 

Music composition - Miss Rosa Parks

Image  There she sat, on a bus in Alabama  Exhausted from a long days work Tired bones, rocking with the bus' rhythm  Till it came up to the corner, slowing to a stop And there he was, standing in his haughty posture Looking down his Anglo nose so full of bigotry And he waited there for her to move She knew that no one would approve  If she refused and stayed right where she was But her tired bones were achin  Though her knees began a shakin She just stood her ground and wouldnt give it up Miss Rosa Parks, Miss Rosa Parks Never before, such a blatant disregard for Southern law  Was something they had never seen But she was proud And she knew there was no justifying Judging by the color of ones skin She freaked them out And the cops came rushing to the scene Where little Rosa Parks sat dignified (Repeat chorus) The Reverend King, led the people on a boycott They refused to ride a single bus to work The wor

Report on innovative work

  INNOVATIVE WORK REPORT INTRODUCTION     An innovative work can be defined as a “new idea, device, or method”. It is something original and more effective and as a consequence, new that “breaks into” the pupil. Two interesting dimensions of innovation including: degree of novelty and type of innovation. Innovative work should be a catalyst to growth. Innovation may be linked to positive changes in efficiency, productivity, quality, competitiveness and intellectual development. Through innovative work the teacher can improve students’ performance by providing group work opportunities and resources to innovate. It is necessary to create and nurture an environment of innovation. OBJECTIVES OF INNOVATIVE WORK 1. Innovative work encourages teachers and students to explore, research and use all the tools to uncover something new. 2. It involves a different way of looking at problems and solving them. 3. The thinking process that goes into it will help students develop their creativity


 A REPORT OF CONSCIENTIZATION PROGRAMME 2020 NAME OF THE STUDENT TEACHER : Ajma Suhara SUBJECT : English HANEEFA KUNJU MEMORIAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION TOPIC AWARENESS OF AIR POLLUTION INTRODUCTION The concept of conscientization is the process developing a critical awareness of one’s social reality through reflection and action. The concept conscientization is linked with the work of Paulo faire and especially his pedagogy of the oppressed. The definition given by Paulo faire in his cultural action for freedom is that conscientization refers to the process in which men are not mare receipients,but as knowing subjects achieve a depending awareness both of the socio cultural reality which shapes their lives and of their capacity to transform that reality. Conscientization mean to give conscious awareness to people on certain issue that need urgent improvement. The objective of consciousness is to power the knowledge by facilitating a learning process that would develop critical awarenes